

17. LUX MUSICAE 12.-20.11.2016

Saturday 12.11

16.00 Walkers- youth café
EtnoRap! EtnoRock! RapFolk!
Hossni Boudali and participants from Harjulinna and Siuntio schools

free entrance

Etnorap-workhop begins on Thursday 20.10 at 5.15 – 6.45 pm in the music classroom of Aleksis Kivi School in Siuntio. How to sing and combine it to the rhytm is the title of the first session. The teacher is jazz-singer Kirsti Alho. Rap-artists Vincento and Anselmi give a picture of rap and rhytm on next Thursday 27.10 at the same time in Aleksis Kivi School. Hossni Boudali teaches on Saturdays 22.10, 27.10 and 5.11. from 11 o’clock am to 4 o´clock pm in the same place. We offer a lunch, too. The participation is free! Please, contact us for further information

19.00 Siuntio Church

Time and Eternity
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, baroque cello

25/20/10 €

Kimmo Hakola will give a brief introduction into the world of J.S. Bach

Sunday 13.11.

16.00 Siuntio Church

Sakari Kukko, saxophone, flute
Iro Haarla, piano
Ulf Krokfors, bass
Mika Kallio, drums

25/20/10 €

Friday 18.11.

19.00 Siuntio Church

The Echos of Blessings and Revolutions
Kaija Saarikettu, violin
Emil Holmström, piano

presentation of the concert

25/20/10 €

Saturday 19.11.

15.00 Lepopirtti
The Energy of a Woman – hommage a Miina Sillanpää
Lauri Sallinen, clarinet
Kaija Saarikettu, violin
Emil Holmström, piano
Tarja Halonen, speech
Pirkko Lahti, speech
Arja Alho, speech

presentation of the concert

25/20/10 €

19.00 Castle of Sjundby

Lamento del tempo –Revolutions and griefings

Lauri Sallinen, clarinet
Henrik Sandås, bandoneón

30 €

Sunday 20.11

16.00 Folksam Arena

The Big and Mighty

Musiikkiteatteri Kapsäkki

presentation of the concert

25/20/10 €

Free bus transportation to the concerts of Siuntio Church. There were so many resvervations that the bus transportation is organized. If you want to join, please contact

12.11. 13.11.
Kiasma, Helsinki/ 17.30 14.00
Espoon kulttuurikeskus, Tapiola/

17.50 14.20
Kirkkonummen juna-asemarakennuksen edestä 18.10 15.10
Siuntion asema, bussipysäkki 18.25 15.25

Return after the concert.’