


Get your tickets from

You can also buy tickets from outlets and from R-kiosks with the help of Event number (“Tapahtumanumero”). You can find the Event number at Lippupiste website.

You can also order tickets by phone 0600 900 900 (1,98 euro/min+lnc). Lippupiste customer service is open everyday from 7 am to 10 pm.

You can also buy tickets from S-market in Siuntio and   Spa Hotel Rantasipi Siuntio


Siuntion kirkko, Suitiantie 51, 02570 Siuntio Kartta

Sjundbyn linna, Karskogintie 678, 02480 Siuntio Kartta

Rantasipi Siuntion Kylpylä, Lepopirtti, Lepopirtintie 80, 02570 Siuntio Kartta

Youth café Walkers and Folksam Arena.


Public transportation to Siuntio is scarce. However, for the concerts  in Siuntio Church 12. and 13.11. there is a free round-trip bus transport from Helsinki via Espoo and Kirkkonummi to Siuntio.

You can secure your place in the bus by booking it in advance at

You can still join us! Inform you willingness to join Lohja-transportation before 15.11. (concert 20.11.)

You can stay in Siuntio Rantasipi Spa Hotel, too. The special lunch is served 12. and 19.11. 25€/person. Ask for a hotel possibility The hotel is offering a free transport for their guests between Lepopirtti and Siuntio Castle if you
wish to participate both concerts.

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